When YOU Will Be Ready to Land a Book Deal

When will you be ready to write a proposal with me and my team?

I get asked this question a lot, but I’m turning it to you because that’s more appropriate. 

A lot of entrepreneurial and expert authors want to know exactly what to do and exactly what numbers they need to get in order to get a book deal. 

If you are nodding your head right now you are not alone.

Unfortunately, there is no magic number. And there’s not a singular “right” way or exact process to build an author platform. And, in case you’re wondering, there’s not a specific timeline either.

If this feels frustrating to you … believe me, I get it. 

I hear from authors on a daily basis how annoying it is that the process of getting a book deal is (mostly) subjective. After nearly 20 years in the industry, I don’t even know if a project is going to appeal to literary agents, editors, and publishers.

But here’s the deal (pun intended). 

Every author and every book is unique, so the parts of an author platform you have are unique too. There’s no singular number of followers that will land you a book deal. 

Instead, it’s a combination of things including:

  • Proof that your methodology and advice works 
    (for my clients, that’s usually through testimonials and results)

  • Thousands of followers on free, public platforms like social media 
    (the big exception to this being LinkedIn because publishers don’t understand that marketing happens there)

  • A unique concept for your book’s content that stands out among your competitors

  • Evidence that you can market and sell to your audience directly through email, podcasting, and/or speaking

So . . . when will YOU specifically be ready? I don’t know. 

What I can tell you is that 90% of the people I meet aren’t ready, and need to focus on growing their audience before writing another word of their book (or proposal). 

And I can also tell you that the good thing about your author platform is that it’s entirely within your control.

When you’ll be ready — is up to you. 

How fast you build your audience is up to you. 

So, I encourage you to ask yourself: What are you willing to do?

Are you willing to put in sweat equity, and/or hire people to help you?

Are you willing to invest time, money, and energy . . . for years with the idea that you will see wins along the way before you write a word of your proposal and get your book deal?

And are you willing to give up the idea of the “right” way . . . to find YOUR way?
Because if you are, we’re here for you. 

Author Platform Builders is a one-of-a-kind program that helps entrepreneurs and experts build an audience that’s aligned with landing a book deal and creating a bestselling book. 

The mission of Author Platform Builders is to give you the knowledge, clarity, and accountability to get you ready . . . to work with me and my team on a book proposal that will land you a six-figure book deal. 

So while I can’t tell you exactly what number of followers or email subscribers you need to land the book deal you want, I can give you advice along the way to help you reach that goal.


I Don’t Build Author Platforms For Anyone.


3 Ways to Not Get Your Book Published